sometimes i have a hard time with blogging....its not a journal to me...how does an artist express themself on a key board? give me ink....give me a paintbrush or a crayola crayon! i see pretty blogs and think...yes, very cute...but what can you do with a pen and a slice of paper? shit thought so. i miss days when things were not so advanced? yeah, like the days before 5th graders had cell phones. and instead of google you had to look in the phone book to find the last name of the kid your crushing on. like on juno! notice they used pay phones in the hallways at school? thats because the director felt he wanted it the way it was before texting and crap.by the way face book has ruined my high school reunion. i know whos still slutty, whos not fat anymore,and how many kids the girl who stole my boyfriend in tenth grade has.barf, sereously...i miss the way things were.
ON THE FLIP SIDE!! i saw a cat fight in the pocatello wal mart two days ago! oh!! and one of the "ladies" was pregnant. that made my day for sure:)as soon as i heard "cat fight" i RAN with my cart to see the action. im sick i know i know! whatever, you'd watch too. um what else? oh i saw the movie A Haunting in Connecicut. and now i cant sleep at night anymore. what the eff was i thinking? im terrified....i woke up at three am in my old room at my moms house screaming bloddy murder. (ive been doing weird crap in my sleep these days....again) and almost ended up smashed between my mom and dad in their bed because im an effin wimp and a fradey cat (as my sister used to call me) so, just say no to horror. im done, i need ice cream like nobodys freekin business.