Friday, August 28, 2009

gravy train....
this is me and my friend elle,and our gravy train(kids). we joke every time we are together about things that happen only when your a mom. and we always say "we need to write a book on the funny crazy things of motherhood" i think this is because we were both blessed with very spirited children that have given us a run for our sanity.heres a few you know your a mom when.
-peed underwear, naked in carseat neighbors stare as we walk inside...with naked child
-fruit snacks in purse,stuck to carseat..stuck in my hair
-fights over the stick on the ground
-sippy cups everywhere...some of the contents within old and questionable?
-stains on YOUR clothing...boogies,chocolate, ect.
-plasic toys from mcdonalds threatining to take over the toybox...oopsie threw that one away!
popcicles....popcicles....and more popcicles
-childs shoes on wrong feet...i dont have the strength to change them again!
-toothpaist that might as well be sugar...because "magic" tinkerbell toothpaist is useless.
-grocery store tantrums, mine stands up in the cart, then i look like an abuser and heartless for sternly saying "no candy this time arden"
-a baby story, lets face it moms, we watch it, we get sappy, i like to run on the treadmill for the ladies in labor. when they scream from a contraction i find myself breathing deeply for them.
-god bless pesant tops and the roomyness....hello?
milk milk milk...for me it was nurney (boob) forever, other moms find themselves buying gallon upon gallon of it....eewwwww. milk. it.
-the carseat, right now mine looks like a homeless kids.
-stuff you'll find in it, my fave, was an old chicken nugget in my friends.made me feel better about the m&ms my friends nefu found and ate in ours! yummy old car food rocks!
-a-b-c-d-r-f-g thats the alphabet toddler style!
-swears...oops mine said shit, and guess what i ignored it, and havent heard it scnce.
-freekin disney channel...kile ann? yeah arden loves this. yogabba gabba, toot and puddle,gangs all here!
-those random days at the park,meeting mommies, looking eachother up and down. coveting their patience,and kids shoes. other times being the mom coveted...."oh im so patient little joey is such a good boy"-please lady get freeking reeeeel.
-pregnancy talks, yup we all do it"when i was in labor"or "i never puked once"-sereously lady? this is how we bond ladies! these talks are universal,every mom has this in common.
-penut butta and jelly.
-poop,everywhere...when it falls out of the diaper,or underoos your about to shake into the potty.
-deluting juice with if mine needs more sugar. its a give in.
-strollers-"hers is nicer then mine,whats this brown crap on the shade?"-guess i'd better grab the umbrella stroller.
-goldfish cackers,enough said
-the stupid songs,yup you know em,i know pisses me off when moms pretend they dont know them. its freekin part of child hood hoochies dont deprive your kid!!"hot dog hot dog hot diggity dog"
-bed time...give me some 7pm bed time and im on top of the world!!!
-soaps...johnson &johnson? baby magic? organic? so many choices... very imporntant choices may i add
-the  cool sippy(maby with your kids name on it )your kids godda have it,or you feel like the boring loser mom.
  Ok so thats just a mini list off the top of my head,i know im crazy,the list could go on for hours...and ill keep it up ladies...because its funny and its true.


Heather said...

You so crack me up. I had to read some of this to Kurt! You are so true!

Funny thing is I watch Baby story today at my sister's house, while I waited for a package to arrive there from UPS.

Unknown said...

You make me wanna have kids when I read posts like this! haha, JK. But seriously, I loved so hard my stomach hurts. And FYI: Baby Story is not just for mommys, I watch it and think, "If I scream like her when I'm in labor, someone should slap my face." Haha!!

Marley Family said...

So true,and so funny! I peed myself.

Dana said...

Love your list, hilarious, because, yes, so true. Thanks for your comment. Maybe if we keep bringing it up on our blogs and at mommy play dates other moms will question the all knowing doctor and healthcare industry too and we can stop the madness, or atleast annoy the docs really bad.

Kit said...

Motherhood aint for sissies that's for sure!! Loved the list! SO glad you mentioned all the poop, because I deal with ROscoe's a lot and I have completely given up on changing Lexi's shoes to the right feet, or forcing her to wear normal clothes out in public instead of princess dresses. JUst don't care that much!